Europäischer Verband der nationalen Fachverbände der Kaltbandhersteller.


... the European Federation of the National Associations of Cold Rolled Narrow Steel Strip Producers.

... est une association européenne regroupant les syndicats nationaux des lamineurs à froid.

13th September 2012

CIELFFA will be represented by a member expert in the work sessions on the new Best Available Technique Reference Documents for Ferrous Metals Processing (FMP BREF). The expert shall be the voice of the cold rolling industry in the “Technical Working Group” (TWG) of the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB). Located in Seville/Spain, it is a body of the European Commission and organises among other things an exchange of information between EU Member States and industry on Best Available Techniques. The existing 2001 BREF-Document on Ferrous Metals Processing is under revision. Furthermore, CIELFFA will send the same representative to EUROFER’s Working Group “Cold Rolling” to gather information and analyse expertise for the meetings of the EIPPCB “Technical Working Group”.

The new EU Directive 2010/75 of 24th of November 2010 on Industrial Emissions aiming for prevention or control of industrial pollution requires industrial installations to work with the best available techniques published in so called BREF-Documents. The content of BREF-Documents is drawn up in the “Technical Working Group” consisting of representatives of the European Commission, EU Member States, relevant industries and environmental non-governmental organisations. (Details are laid down in the Implementing Decision of 10th of February 2012.)
In preparation of these work sessions on a high European level CIELFFA has established four internal working groups in the field of “Pickling and Water Process“, “Annealing”, “Temper Rolling” and “Cold Rolling, Finishing, Roll-Shop and Emulsion Systems”. During scheduled meetings the experts will discuss and summarise their knowledge on the subject in order to distribute their expertise to the CIELFFA representative for the aforementioned BREF work sessions.