Europäischer Verband der nationalen Fachverbände der Kaltbandhersteller.


... the European Federation of the National Associations of Cold Rolled Narrow Steel Strip Producers.

... est une association européenne regroupant les syndicats nationaux des lamineurs à froid.

03rd January 2005 

The technical development as well as the economical pressure led in the last few years to an increase of the outer diameter of steel strip coils. These new conditions ask for a new reflection on how the stability of coils having a horizontal center line could be ensured taking into account the usual storeroom floors.The rule of a ratio width - outer diameter of 1:4 for the stability of steel strip coils based on former studies has been here reconsidered because of the new storage conditions used in the cold rolling industry. A work group inside the "Technical Commission" of the Fachvereinigung Kaltwalzwerke e.V. (German association of cold rolling mills) was dedicated to the question and conducted the present study together with the chair for structural steel engineering of the university RWTH, Aachen. This study was designed to help the producers as well as the users of cold rolled steel strip in the evaluation of their storage conditions and therefore reduce the potential dangers.