Europäischer Verband der nationalen Fachverbände der Kaltbandhersteller.


... the European Federation of the National Associations of Cold Rolled Narrow Steel Strip Producers.

... est une association européenne regroupant les syndicats nationaux des lamineurs à froid.

The Annual Meeting 2024 will take place in Linz on November 12 and 13, 2024. It will begin on Tuesday afternoon, November 12, 2024, with the internal CIELFFA meeting. Topics will include: CBAM and the latest developments, such as the extension to other sectors and to downstream products. Another topic will be the economic development of relevant markets. Dr. Christian Foltz (PwC Strategy& Germany) has agreed to take over a lecture about the automotive market. The election of the Chairman is also on the agenda.

On Wednesday, November 13, EBNER will once again be our host after 10 years and will present some latest developments and innovations regarding the transformation.

We look forward to an exciting event with you! We are happy to receive your registrations.