Europäischer Verband der nationalen Fachverbände der Kaltbandhersteller.


... the European Federation of the National Associations of Cold Rolled Narrow Steel Strip Producers.

... est une association européenne regroupant les syndicats nationaux des lamineurs à froid.

On May 17, 2024, a CDU delegation consisting of Mr. Radtke MEP and other representatives visited Waelzholz. Dr. Gierse and Dr. Buddenberg explained the product cold-rolled strip and the production processes in the company. In particular, they explained the detrimental effects of the new CBAM climate tariff on steel processing industries such as the cold-rolling sector. In his role as a member of the European Parliament's ITRE Committee (Committee on Industry, Research and Energy), Mr. Radtke is also involved in the design of the CBAM.


(Foto: Julian Kendziora)